Sunday, February 15, 2009


My darling little sister Gentry, has had a fabulous week of events. She has reached the age of 12, which in Mormon culture and religion is monumental. I believe the countdown began the hour she turned 11. She will relinquish her title as a child from the primary and become a young woman. Each week she will stand up nervously-until memorized and repeat with the other young women how she is indeed a 'daughter of her Heavenly Father, who loves her, and she loves Him.' She will gaze up at the confused Mia Maids and the towering, 'all knowing Laurels' with envy - not realizing that life as a Beehive is ignorant bliss. She now possesses the YW charm and the maturation classes are over, so let adolescence BEGIN!

Granty came home yesterday to join us in all of the festivities. Ushering Gen through the baptistry with all the fam (carrying Rhett in our heart ofcourse), was truly a delight. There was discussion on the way to the temple that what would happen if we told Gentry to 'cannon ball' it into the font. The conversation might have been irreverant to even discuss such a thing, however, it was a pretty darn funny thought.

As we both awaited our turn to be dunked, (no cannon ball, though I whispered it to Grant as I exited the font after he baptized Gen and I), I saw Gentry's jittering anticapation. With my arm around this little girl, now young woman, my heart was full. Her big brown eyes full of love and the unknown, made me realize that she was probably the most pure soul in the font. It made me reflect on a snowy February morning. 12 years and 2 days ago, the nurse allowed me to be the first in the family to greet this angel into our home. After 16 years of waiting, the day had finally arrived that the Lord granted me a sister.
Today, my heart was mixed with emotion; saddness now that she's going to face the big bad world, but joy to know that she is one of the most valaint and capable to do so. However old she may get, she will always be my baby sis. I love that girl!


Nate and Hilary said...

That was such a sweet post! What a cute relationship you two have. I can't believe she's 12!

Jen said...
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Jen said...

Your little sister is so lucky to have such an awesome and loving older sister! I was close to tears as I was reading your post. You are one of the greatest human beings ever!