Thursday, March 19, 2009

Today is a GORGEOUS day! These past couple of days have been nice, overcast though. The sun is out and the water is all shades of blue, it actually looks a lot like bear lake. You can see our two twin islands from our dining room table. Andy says that we should kyak to the twin islands, but that makes me really anxious. We went to Pearl Harbor today. It was an overwhelming and incredible experience. I didn't realize that the USS Memorial was located right on top of the ship, that was a fascinating discovery for me. The museum was nice, but the movie was excellent and it created a reverant tone. We had about an hour before we went on the ship, so I got a little photo happy.

I am learning the ropes with Rita. Today is our first day together. Our care includes, bathing, cooking, taking her to the bathroom, changing her clothes, pretty much 100% full care. We are trying to build up her leg muscles so she can walk. She just received a walker today, and we'll see how that goes. She doesn't have any severe health issues, and she can eat pretty much anything - her favorite things are cookie dough and bacon, (you'd never guess cause she's such a bird). You can tell that she's not sure of me yet. Just getting from the wheelchair to bed took us 15 minutes of conversation to talk her into allowing me to help her. She's asked me over 20 times where I'm from and where I live here in Hawaii.

I have experienced the cockroaches, but as I was opening up the window slats to get more air circulation - I found 3 geckos. We were both frightened by eachother, but I guess the gecko's are good to have around because they eat the bugs. Maybe you already know all of this, but this life is a whole different and enchanting ball game for me. This morning I woke up to a chorus of birds in the palm trees and the sun rising at 5am. I was wide awake and could not figure it out until I realized that according to UT time, it was about 8-or 9 I think. I could not fall back asleep. This time change might take a while, either way I'm going to try to get up every morning to walk along the beach. I might take my scriptures or finish my book. I'm in this whole new utopia and I keep pinching myself. Tonight, I'm either going to a BYU-H basketball game or a belly dancing class...ya don't laugh.


Nate and Hilary said...

Did the geckos offer you some insurance? ;) Geiko is the only thing I can think of when I think of geckos. Anyway, so which did you end up doing? Personally, I would've gone for the basketball game, but you're a little more adventurous with stuff like belly-dancing than I am! Two words: TOO SEXY!!

Cody and Haylee said...

Beautiful pictures Kris! I can't wait for you to post more... I'm living through you since I'm not sure if I'll ever get to see it with my own eyes, So keep posting those pictures!!!