Ok, here's the dealio. I have been offered to start as a lunch lady aka: sub cook for Davis County schools. This means that after a 30 hour week of training, I could sub cook if the manager liked me. So far this is the only job that will hire me. I will get to work a maximum of 4 hours a day at $9.50 an hour. I could work up to 3-15 hours a week when hired on after training. I need more hours...but I'm currently getting nothing but this is more than nothing, right? I love accessories, so bring on the hairnet and call me Doris I guess!
There's just this small voice of pride that says, "What in the world are you doing? You have an associate’s degree and a cosmetology license under your belt and you are going to be slopping goo on trays of the hungry children of Davis county?!" and then there is the bloody voice of reason that pesters in my brain, "Some money is better than none, and besides you know that you don't work well in a salon - if you had your own house, you have your dream salon. Since you feel you gotta go to school, this is what works."So, here I am crossing off the days until I can go back to Rexburg. I am missing Rexburg A LOT! I miss my branch and friends, but am not sure what to do up there until April 20, (that's when school starts). "Come what may, love it," right? What do you guys think?
Ps. Gentry enters young womanhood tomorrow, it's her official big one two on the 12th!!! Can you believe it?!